Do not blindly accept terms and privacy policies again. SimpliTerms summarizes what's important.

Privacy and Usage terms usually range from 3,000 to 10,000+ words. SimpliTerms generates summaries of 100-300 words, highlighting crucial points for user acceptance.

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Summary by SimpliTerms:

Provider and Location

Google's services are provided by Google LLC, a company registered in Delaware, USA, headquartered in Mountain View, California.

Minimum Age and Responsibility

If you're under 18, you need parental permission to use the services. Parents are responsible for their children's activities.

Relationship with Google

These terms define your relationship with Google, allowing you to use its services under certain conditions.

Service Offerings

Google offers various services, including apps, platforms, and devices designed to work together for an improved user experience.

Your Responsibility

Comply with terms, policies, laws, and respect intellectual property. Avoid abusing services or causing harm.

Permission to Use Your Content

When using services that involve sharing content, you grant Google a license to use your content based on specific terms and restrictions.

Using Your Account

You can create a Google account if you meet age requirements. You're responsible for its use and security.

Disputes and Responsibilities

Google provides services with reasonable competency, and both parties have rights and responsibilities in case of issues.


Advantages of using SimpliTerms

Saves time

Find out what you agree to without having to spend hours reading privacy policies and terms of use.

Avoid problems

Avoid having legal problems with a company for accepting policies that you would not have wanted to accept.

Protect your privacy

Find out what data each website extracts from you with just one click.

Easy to use

By simply clicking on the simpliterms extension you will get a summary of the policies of the page you are on.



Ideal to see how the tool works

free /month

  • 0 Credits

  • Access to 3 static summaries per day


Ideal for people who often use various pages and online services.

$2.99 /month

  • 10,000 Credits

  • AI-generated summaries



Ideal for people who are constantly using new services and pages every day.

$8.99 /month

  • 50,000 Credits

  • AI-generated summaries


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